Brandling Primary School

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Nursery Admissions including 30 hours provision

Nursery Provision

Brandling Primary Nursery offers flexible hours. There are four options to choose from:

  • Morning sessions (Monday – Friday) 8:45am – 11:45am
  • Afternoon sessions (Monday – Friday) 12:30pm – 3:30pm
  • 2 ½ days (Monday all day, Tuesday all day, Wednesday morning)
  • 2 ½ days (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday all day, Friday all day) 

You can apply for an additional 15 hours (up to 30 hours free nursery provision.)  at Brandling Primary School. The criteria for single parents is if you work 16 hours or more per week or if both parents work 16 hours or more per week.   Please see this website for more information:

Free-30-hours-childcare-entitlement for working families 

If parents who do not qualify for the additional free 15 hours wish to pay for additional sessions, this is also be possible.  These will be available at £12 per session.  

We hope this flexibility will suit your childcare needs, allowing more children to access our  Nursery provision.

Please contact the school office for more information or click on the link below to print out a copy of our application form.  This can be filled in and handed in to our school office.   

Nursery Application Form


Nursery Spooky Activities