Brandling Primary School

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Subject Leader - Mrs Hill 

Our Vision

At Brandling, we aim to create a musical culture where our children understand that music is all around us: It is creative, collaborative, celebratory and challenging. Our curriculum is based on the fundamentals of music education: listening and appraising, composing, and performing. We want the children to be introduced to music from across the globe and to be able to create their own compositions, performing it using voice or instruments. We aim for children to be able to read music by the end of KS2.

We aim to allow our children to explore a varied repertoire of music from a wide range of genres, from across the decades and indeed centuries to widen their musical appreciation. 

We want our children to enjoy listening to, and making, music. 

The national curriculum for music aims to ensure that all pupils: 

  • perform, listen to, review and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians 
  • learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology appropriately and have the opportunity to progress to the next level of musical excellence 
  • understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated, including through the inter-related dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and appropriate musical notations.

Key documents


Skills Progression

Schemes of work


Lower KS2

Upper KS2


Year 1 Music